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Plant Based World Expo 2024

Last week, the Aromatech USA team flew to New York to attend the 2024 edition of the Plant-Based World Expo. It was a great opportunity for us to assert our position in the plant-based field, presenting our flavored vegan feta to a large audience of vegan enthusiasts. Spoiler alert… they loved it!

Whether it was the originality of our applications with our mini gyros, the texture of our fetas carefully prepared by our laboratory, or the power of our flavorings, we were a hit. We’ve already registered for the 2025 edition. We’re delighted to be again taking part alongside Van Hees, highlighting their expertise in transforming proteins into vegan solutions.

In parallel with this event, we were also lucky enough to participate in a Vegpreneur evening, where we met many entrepreneurs from the vegan sector and exchanged views on upcoming trends for the next few years.

Read our post on LinkedIn to find out more about our participation.

Learn more about our flavoring solutions by contacting us at americas@aromatechus.com.

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